2022 June 14

Created by Dianne one year ago

Helen meant so much to so many, she was an incredible role model to her family, a warrior, a fighter and in different times would have no doubt been stood shoulder to shoulder with her Scottish compatriot, William Wallace.

Helen was very much her own woman and as the saying goes you can take the girl out of Scotland but not Scotland out of the girl and Helen remained a proud Scot;  over the years she ventured far and wide, with Hawaii up there amongst her favourite destinations and it is no surprise that we have family joining us today from around the globe in Seattle, Florida, also closer to home in Scotland and in Northants – you are all very welcome and we do indeed feel your presences here with us in the chapel.

Helen wouldn’t want today to be a sombre occasion but an opportunity to spend time together, in support of one another in celebrating her life, yes, the final chapter has now closed but the joy of the storybook of Helen’s life is a joy that we become especially aware of again as we take a trip down memory lane, through the words of her family.

It is of course Helen’s family who we especially think of today, her devoted and loving husband Willy, who we will hear from in just a few moments, her children Stewart, Dianne & Robert and all their families who will feel Helen’s loss the greatest.

Despite not wanting any fuss today is all about Helen and her family wish to ensure that she has the send-off that she so very much deserves.  Helen was old-school, she didn’t mince her words, black was black and white was white, a true matriarch of her family and adopted Yorkshire woman who always remained proud of her Scottish heritage.

So, where did chapter one begin?  In the words of her family……

Helen’s story begins a few hundred miles from where we are today, at Rankin Memorial Hospital in Greenock to be precise.  A much-loved daughter of the late Thomas & Helen Fay and sister of Tommy, Bertie, Sammy, Ernie & Charlie who sadly have all passed away and a family now all reunited and back together.
Helen went to Ardgowan Primary and later Finnart Secondary School where she left with a 3rd Years Leaver Certificate and a job at a grocery shop in West Blackhall Street. When she was old enough, she worked in a bar on Inverkip Street which had its perks as she got alcohol at cost for her Niece Margaret’s hen night!
Helen also was a Clippie on the buses using the old ticket machines and very much loved this job looking rather dapper and smart in her uniform.
Embracing her Scottish roots Helen was a Highland Dancer and danced in the Highland games and says Dianne: “Grannie used to make all the uniforms for them as she was a great seamstress, she loved her Highland Dancing and took great pride in how she performed as well as looked in her tartan uniform.”
Happy holidays were spent on the houseboat with her siblings and Helen very much enjoyed her time there. The houseboat was in Kilmun and Helen and her niece Margaret ran about like sea little sea urchins and loved their time that they spent there together. There was a wee sweetie shop there and the owners would open up the shop when closed especially for them to get what they wanted. It was great holidays, very much a part of her childhood.
Helen was very resilient and strong as a youngster. I am advised that one day when she was playing outside the house in West Blackhall Street, there was a high wall and at the end of it, there was between 10ft to 12ft drop down into the street. Helen jumped and as she did, she never fell onto the street, instead, she landed on a spike that was there which went through her thigh. Nothing deterred Helen due to her strength & willpower.
NICKNAMES: Helen was known as “Big Helen from the Gibbie” this was a name that stuck and Helen did not mind this at all.
MARRIAGE: Helen married her 1st Husband in 1962 and had 3 children, Stewart, Dianne & Robert.
She then met William and they married in 1979 and the 30th June just gone, which would have been their 43rd Wedding Anniversary.
Helen was a shining star in everyone’s life, especially her husband William. William said that when he first laid eyes on Helen, he thought that she was a bit of alright and she was on his radar to which he succeeded in love and the rest is history after marrying each other and from there on in, their marriage blossomed and grew stronger & stronger & more loving then ever & William will cherish those special moments.

“Helen moved to Bradford from her hometown of Scotland. She had the grace of meeting her best friend Winnie whom they have been friends for 52 years. Helen worked alongside Winnie in various Bingo halls in Bradford. As you can appreciate, they had a very close friendship and a very special one.
They both used to spend time together on a Saturday going out to town in Bradford. Helen’s daughter Dianne joined them at times. Willy was a vivid Celtic fan and when Willy’s team Celtic were playing on a Saturday, Helen & Dianne always hoped that they would win, because if they did not, they would not go home until after tea and sneak in. Willy did not like it when his team lost, bad loser and he would openly admit that.”
HELEN AS A PERSON: She was an amazing Wife, Mum, Nana, Great Nana, Auntie, Cousin & Best Friend, very much loved by everyone in her family. Helen was strong willed, spoke her mind, was a loveable character with the likeability factor & spread so much joy and love to all throughout her life.
Helen was loving, strong, independent as well as caring & would do what she could for anyone as long as she could help. She had a hard life at the beginning, as she lost her Mum when she was 14 & married at 16 and went on to have her 3 children whom she protected continuously playing her role as a doting Mum and that will never be forgotten by her children whilst ever their hearts beat.
When it came to her Grandchildren & Great Grandchildren, she loved to see them & spend time with them. Helen used to tell William off in jest, as when he went shopping on his own after her falling ill, he used to buy no end of sweets & toys for them (now known as Grandads Sweetshop), however, Helen got a lot of joy from seeing the grandchildren with the sweets & toys, especially Tillie – Jayne filling a whole carrier bag to take home with her. Brought laughter to both her & William as well as joy from all the grandchildren.
  Family meant everything to Helen, if we were to liken her to a stick of Blackpool rock, it would be the word family that would run through her from head to toe; before I share with you more about Helen’s life, we’ll take a few moments to listen to a very special piece of music.  This is even more special as it has been recorded especially for today by Diane

FAMILY MEMORIES: Helen loved to spend time with her family in Scotland, especially evenings out where she went to the Masonic in Larkfield and one night, she became part of the Hypnotist show and this resulted in her having a big argument with a gentleman challenging him to give her back her belly button. Her family said it was hilarious as the poor gentlemen did not know how to handle Helen.
Helen also spent a lot of time in Corby in Northants with her brothers Sammy & Charlie where she had weekends there and took her children and also some of the grandchildren too.  They spent many happy times together including spending time with young Sammy and his siblings.
The family used to go out to the Labour Club in Corby where they socialised, played bingo and listened to the turns, lots of happy memories.  Helen had a very special relationship with her brother Sammy which she held very dear to her heart.
Helens time with all of her family, as she had so many spread across the length & breadth of the UK as well as worldwide, Michelle in Seattle & Sandra in Florida.  She loved her family with all of her heart & I truly hope that brings comfort to you all & you hold this dear to your hearts.
Also at the club, the Bingo Caller had a speech impediment and when he shouted out 13, he said “unlucky for tum 13”. Helen and her family could not hold themselves and were in fits of laughter, especially Helen as when she laughed, she made everyone else laugh and at times had a bit of a telling off. Times of joy with her family which I know will be held close to their hearts.
Helen took her nephew Sammy to Howarth Railway where they had a day out on a train. This was somewhat a challenge for them, as Sammy being blind, had no idea where the step was and his Auntie Helen tried to guide him and assist him onto the step to get in the train, however, Sam took the wrong step and landed between the step and the platform. Sammy scared the life out of everyone that day, especially his Auntie Helen, but thankfully, they managed to get Sam out and onto the train safely. After that, his Auntie Helen said he would never take him on a train again.
  Well, as we know you can take the girl out of Scotland but not Scotland out of the girl

HOLIDAYS: Helen loved her holidays with Willy & Winnie, especially her cruises where she had some fantastic holidays and when she fell ill and was unable to go, she missed these very very much as she got an awful lot of enjoyment from her holidays. She saw some amazing places including Alaska which she adored. Helen travelled well & her husband William cherished this time with her.
They all also had many holidays in Seattle to see Michelle and her family and had very many happy times and great memories to which they will hold dearly to their hearts. Michelle took them to Hawaii, and they were overwhelmed with just how beautiful it was and took a lot away from that holiday never to forget.
HELENS DISLIKES: Although Helen was Scottish, she did not like tartan, and I know that some people are wearing tartan as this is tradition and look very nice as Helen would say. Helen was a bright colourful character who loved her flowers; hence you have all been asked also to wear bright colours/flowery outfits today as this was a final request from her.
After falling ill with the COPD amongst other ailments, Helen became housebound and could not get out which was extremely hard for Helen, but she was expertly and lovingly cared for at home by her doting family.
Helen made a huge impact in all of your lives and this is why you are all here today to pay your last loving respects. Her family state that she will be sorely missed, and her passing has left a huge hole in their hearts forever. She was the beat that held the family together and the family will go on to remember all that she gave to them lovingly and unselfishly and will look up into the sky in the hope that she continues to be proud of them & shine over them.
Helen’s family would like to take this opportunity to pay special thanks to Dr Lunat at the Cherry Tree Surgery in Batley, the Locala team and the Respiratory Team at Pinderfields Hospital for their care and kindness afforded not only to Helen, but to them all as a family.
Helen sadly passed away on the 14th June, peacefully and at home as she wished; although she felt she was ready to go her family weren’t ready to lose her.